事故发生在大士枢纽通道71A号(Tuas Nexus Drive)10月18日凌晨3:05,一名46岁的中国建筑工人在脚手架工作时,被一根掉落的钢筋砸中头部,被送往新加坡国立医院时已失去意识,过后抢救无效,重伤身亡。
The new Tuas Port will be the world’s largest fully automated port when it's fully completed in the 2040s, capable of handling 65 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) annually - almost ...
A NEW logistics hub spanning over 18.6 hectares (ha) will support operations at Singapore’s upcoming Tuas Port with new capabilities such as automated storage and the capacity to handle sensitive ...
SINGAPORE - Port operator PSA broke ground on a new $647.5 million Tuas warehousing facility equipped with advanced robotics and automation systems on Oct 18, as part of its efforts to sharpen ...
SINGAPORE – Singapore is ramping up its production of Newater by 50 million gallons a day with the expansion of the upcoming Tuas Newater Factory, as it anticipates an increase in demand for ...
Building @ 73 Tuas South Link 1 (S) 636768 N/A N/A Building @ 17 Tuas South Link 1 (S) 636779 N/A N/A Building @ 19 Tuas South Link 1 (S) 636780 N/A N/A Building @ 21 Tuas South Link 1 (S) 636781 N/A ...
该法案以“国家安全”为由,限制美国联邦政府与部分生物技术提供商展开业务往来。 该法案具体点名了五家中国“予以关注的生物技术公司”,包括药明康德、药明生物、华大集团、华大智造和子公司Complete Genomics。
[环球时报驻新加坡特约记者 辛斌 环球时报特约记者 肖童]新加坡前交通部长易华仁24日在新加坡最高法院接受庭审时,主动承认收受礼物。据新加坡 ...
我国经济展望良好提振本地股市情绪,新加坡海峡时报指数逆势上扬,以3625.25点作收,涨幅为34.63点或0.96%。 亚洲股市普遍下滑,沪深300指数收跌1.13%,报3788.22点;恒生指数跌1.02%,报20079.1点。日经指数跌0.69% ...