Learn more Pixar's newest animated feature, "Turning Red," explores the confusion of adolescence with a twist: its main character also happens to transform into a giant red panda. The movie ...
Pixar’s animated comedy, Turning Red, features a diverse cast with a main character tackling teen issues that we can all relate to. Directed by Chinese-Canadian Domee Shi, the film celebrates ...
"It didn't feel right if we didn't talk about it," says the film-maker, who won 2019's short animation Oscar for Bao, and co-wrote Turning Red with Julia Cho. Bao: An Oscars ode to Chinese mothers ...
While some animated movies are aimed at younger viewers ... to more recent favorites including “Frozen” and “Turning Red.” ...
Molina has ample experience with animated features, co-directing Coco and working on the creative team for Turning Red, ...