Secondary storage close secondary storageNon-volatile memory external to the CPU and used for long-term storage of programs and data.devices are generally separated into three types: As the disk ...
Data is stored in binary form on secondary storage devices ... Optical media also come in different types: Solid state devices require little power, making them ideal for portable devices where ...
Following are the different types of RAM and storage technologies used in electronic devices. They fall into ... following technologies have the word "memory" in their names, non-volatile memories ...
The terms short-term memory and working memory are sometimes used interchangeably, and both refer to storage of information for a brief amount of time. Working memory can be distinguished from ...
Computer memory refers to the storage of programs or data on a temporary or permanent basis. Memory devices can be classified into two distinct groups: primary and secondary. Memory chips may be ...
As PCMCIA standards and technologies evolved, however, these cards were added to many types of devices. Product specifications for PCMCIA memory cards include technology standard, card form factor, ...
They serve as both storage and RAM in remote sensors and similar devices but not as the main memory in computers, phones and tablets because they are more costly (see non-volatile memory).