9月29日,全球智能汽车产业大会(GIV2024)将于在合肥召开。大会将围绕“人工智能时代的智能汽车发展”这一主题,汇集来自政府有关部门和汽车、互联网、信息、人工智能等领域的行业机构、高校院所和领先企业代表,共同探讨人工智能加速迭代下,我国智能汽车高 ...
申请时她拿到了莫纳什大学、阿德莱德大学、塔斯马尼亚大学等多所澳洲名校医学院的面试Offer,同时也拿到了阳光海岸大学的奖学金。 我一直对数学、科学等理科方面感兴趣,同时我也非常喜欢帮助别人。所以医生就是一个非常适合自己的职业。
太多的犯罪分子为牟取暴利铤而走险,纷纷被查处,之前新州警方在车辆后部发现了7,000盒密封的“Manchester Sapphire Blue”香烟,箱子上标有“易碎”和“中国制造”,总计140万支,价值惊人。
It is a joint PhD programme offers scholars a Doctor of Philosophy degree jointly awarded by both UQ and IIT Delhi upon ...
Australia, and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), has started the application process for the joint Doctor ...
Researchers at the University of Queensland have developed technology to remove harmful synthetic fluorine-based chemicals ...
The University of Queensland’s Professor Peter Soyer discusses his team’s ability to create an “avatar” of a patient with ...
University of Queensland researchers have developed a fast cognitive screening tool that can detect often-missed ...
Candidates with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, healthcare, humanities, or social sciences are ...
University of Queensland research has confirmed antioxidant properties in an Australian bushfood used by Indigenous people ...
个子高的人罹患癌症的风险更大一些。 世界癌症研究基金会 (The World Cancer Research Fund)报告称,强有力的证据表明,个子高的人某些器官患上癌症的几率更高,这些器官是: 名为 英国百万女性研究 (UK Million ...
The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia, which is ranked among the top 50 universities worldwide, with the Indian ...