We are the Universe trying to understand itself. How, and why, did we come to be? Why does the Universe take the shape it ...
"Why do they have the same rotation? They must have a connection with each other — that would be a very strong question that ...
Prior to this discovery, made as part of the James Webb Space Telescope's (JWST's) Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey ...
Brian Greene (Cosmic String Theory) and Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel have collaborated on a National Geographic coffee-table ...
The teams behind two potential new space telescopes have embarked on their final design studies as they go head-to-head to ...
Three ultramassive galaxies found by the James Webb Space Telescope have astronomers reconsidering how galaxies grew so ...
NASA This image captures a pair of interacting galaxies which are known as MCG+05-31-045. These galaxies are located 390 ...
Those are the two words I'd use to describe the "Mysteries of the Universe" weekender discovery tour, hosted by New Scientist ...
The fabric of space and time is not exempt from the effects of gravity. Plop in a mass and space-time curves around it, not ...
Distortions in pulsar signals reveal flaws in galactic models, pointing to new opportunities for understanding the universe ...