近日,普洛斯怀来数据中心顺利通过Uptime M&O(运维与管理)认证,获得Uptime Institute颁发的认证证书。普洛斯数据中心致力于为客户提供高品质、高可靠的运维服务,此项认证,标志着普洛斯数据中心运营及管理水平获得国际权威认可,运维管理理念及能力达到 ...
Your website will inevitably experience crashes and failures. Follow our tips to set up a backup plan and schedule to recover ...
Flip on OS-level governors and power profiles, cut energy use by '25 – 50 percent' Datacenter power consumption has become a ...
摘要:数据中心即服务先驱ECL宣布,在其位于加州山景城的MV1设施中,交付了世界上第一个使用氢气作为主要电源的数据中心。该公司还宣布,由Hyperwise Ventures领投的额外1000万美元资金将用于加速研发,扩大公司的全球足迹。ECL的离网、可持续、模块化、定制化数据中心是业界首个从头开始设计的数据中心,可支持高密度GPU ...
Looking for a web host but not sure about HostGator? Our guide to HostGator competitors will help you make the right choice.
In today’s fast-evolving technological landscape, businesses are under constant pressure to stay competitive and agile. Yet, ...
Equally important to a successful harvest is the condition of the combine head, the first point of contact for bringing crops into the machine. A pre-season visual inspection of corn and grain heads ...
Tru-Trac Rollers provides maintenance services for mine conveyors to prevent job cuts due to commodity price volatility in ...
In terms of hardware, the bones of both types of systems are similar, but there are a few key differences. AI data centers ...
The advanced Uptime Solution Centre brings together teams from aftermarket services, vehicle engineering, and field quality ...