The URYXXON® 500 is an automatic reader for URYXXON® Stick 10 urine test strips. With a capacity of 400 strips per hour, it is ideal for use in hospitals and practices. The “easy-to-use ...
Your bathroom habits can tell you a lot of about your health. If you have dark yellow or cloudy urine, you're probably dehydrated, and if you ate some asparagus earlier, smelly pee may ensue.
According to a study, the RNA (a type of genetic material) and other substances within urine can show changes in cell types, revealing early signs of cancer and other diseases. This method could ...
The kidneys produce urine and this helps maintain water balance. The urine is taken from the kidneys to the bladder by the ureters. The bladder stores the urine until it is convenient to expel it ...