中秋节的英文可以是 Mid-Autumn Festival,mid- 指「中间的」,autumn 是「秋天」,可以很容易按字面判读它们结合在一起的含意,不过在英语世界裡,以月亮直接命名的 Moon Festival 似乎更为普遍与广泛使用。
Someone's autumn years are the later years of their life, especially after they have stopped working. This period is likened to autumn since autumn is close to the end of the year (as an elderly ...
宋代,士大夫在饮食生活上重视素食,爱吃肉的苏轼把素食写得极富诗意,并将蔬菜混合白米自制“东坡羹”传世。During the Song Dynasty, the literati placed great importance on ...
一直以来,实蝇虫害都是困扰我国千万果农的难题。十年前,还在湖南农业大学读研的莫博程开始了实蝇害虫防控技术的研究,随后又继续攻读植物病虫害防治研究方向博士学位。The infestation of fruit flies is a problem ...
随着经济的不断发展,消费者对食品安全和健康饮食的关注度日益提升,多元化的营养健康需求为中国方便食品行业的发展提供了巨大的机遇。全球新经济产业第三方数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)最新发布的《2024-2025年中国方便食品市场发展及 ...
During this year's harvest season, women's federations in Bozhou, a city in East China's Anhui Province, organized a team of ...
On the food supply side, China stabiu0002lized food production years ago. Its grain output has been above 600 billion kilou0002grams since 2012, with the grain producu0002tion in 2023 touching a new ...
青年报·青春上海记者 郭颖/文 吴恺/图 ...
Chinese mainland announced Wednesday that it will stop implementing the policies of exempting import tariffs on 34 ...
The "Taiwan independence" stance and provocative actions of Taiwan authorities, led by Lai Ching-te, are to blame for the ...