But, data from Herchel suggests that water may have been there all along, preserved within the foundational rocks of the Earth. In fact, solar systems across the universe may be born with enough ...
New research suggests that the sun's relentless solar wind could've played a role. Scientists have worked hard to understand how Earth has so much life-giving water. There's lots of research ...
According to the study “Dehydration Melting at the Top of the Lower Mantle” (2014), this discovery suggests a “whole-Earth water cycle,” with water moving not only between surface and ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. David Bressan is a geologist who covers curiosities about Earth. By pumping water out of the ground, humans have shifted such a large mass ...
More than 3 billion people worldwide depend on water that crosses national borders. Yet, only 24 countries have cooperation agreements for all their shared water. As climate change impacts ...