To figure out the neural mechanisms of sequence sorting in working memory, Chinese scientists trained two macaque monkeys to perform a visuospatial delayed sequence-sorting task and conducted ...
目前,记录细胞祖先的分子钟突变太慢,无法测量成体组织中细胞更新的短时间尺度动态。近日,美国南加州大学的研究团队在《Nature Biotechnology》发表了题为“Fluctuating methylation clocks for cell lineage tracing at high temporal resolution in hum ...
近段时间关于英特尔酷睿第13代和第14代台式机处理器性能不稳定的情况在各种平台甚嚣尘上,大部分的新闻不排除有添油加醋的行为,英特尔得知之后,也在第 一时间内也开启了官方的调查,本着严谨和认真的态度,官方也在不断地进行排查和验证,力求找到处理器不稳定的真正原因。
The “rub” can be readily understood in the context of golf. Have you heard of golfers say that they’ve “not had the rub of ...
Born in 1987 in Sanming, Fujian province, Qiubi said that she got her first Canon compact camera, a gift from her father when ...
When we started working on Software Ray Tracing, one of the first things we tried was to capture ... top level is a flat instance descriptor array. This approach allows us to leverage instances for ...