A Silent Voice and Liz and the Blue Bird are both produced by animation studio Kyoto Animation and directed by Naoko Yamada, who was assigned to be a director at the studio while she was a member.
Naoko Yamada, director of A Silent Voice, returns with her fifth feature film, presenting one of the most grounded coming-of-age stories in recent memory.
Anime film The Colors Within, directed by A Silent Voice helmer Naoko Yamada, is set to hit Indian theatres on November 22, Warner Bros. India announced on Friday. “Watch how every colour tells a ...
Warner Bros. India has confirmed that acclaimed anime director Naoko Yamada’s latest film, The Colors Within, will hit Indian theatres on November 22. Presented in Japanese with English ...
directed by the Yamada, who has worked on series such as K-On! and Tamako Market at the studio Kyoto Animation. She has also directed films such as A Silent Voice and Liz and the Blue Bird.