NMS b-allotype 1 ml 702.00 mouse (CBA/BrARij) NMS a-allotype 1 ml 702.00 您可以通过电话、Email、QQ、MSN、网上留言、网上订购等联系我们,享受最优惠价格和最优质服务。同时,我公司正在全国范围寻找省级独家代理商,欢迎洽谈,互利合作,共谋发展。
Conversely, the NOD H-2 g 7 MHC allotype is not sufficient to confer diabetes when introduced into a different mouse strain that lacks the other NOD-related autoimmune-susceptibility loci 10.
For mRNA decapping by enhancing DCP2's mRNA-binding affinity and regulating distinct biological processes through DCP1a and DCP1b, human DCP1 is essential.
Autoantibodies are one of the distinguishing features of AIH. The discovery of autoantibodies directed against different cellular targets, including endoplasmatic reticulum membrane proteins ...