Stem lodging is a major challenge in agricultural production, especially in crops like peppers with heavy above-ground ...
The jalapeño (Capsicum annuum) is a popular chile found on restaurant menus, in the grocery store, and in home gardens. The pepper is popular for a lot of reasons; they're easy to find, are a perfect ...
For instance, I was pretty happy to discover that a pumpkin spice mix is really easy to make at home, and that the secret to ...
I planted a few zucchini starters at the beginning of summer. Like every year, I mismanaged the plants and harvested nothing.
For a few good “gateway” plants in the vegetable garden, Braun suggested these and offered his management suggestions: Peppers (capsicum annuum) are cross-pollinators: Allow the fruit to ...
Pimentos and roasted red peppers look similar on grocery store shelves, but that doesn't mean they're identical. Here's what ...
Compare ZenCortex vs Quietum Plus for ingredients, benefits, pricing, and reviews to find the best option for your ear health ...
Like Aleppos (also known as Halaby peppers), many of the world’s most delicious dried red-chile powders and flakes belong to the Capsicum annuum species, a plant with many varietals and what the ...
Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum poses a severe threat to agriculture worldwide, affecting numerous crops. The ...
Cayenne (Capsicum annuum, Cap sicum frutescens). Cayenne, its chief component being capsaicin, is one of the herbal medicines with documented effectiveness in the English medical literature.
Data BMKG Oktober 2023 menunjukkan banyak daerah di Indonesia rawan kekeringan yang berdampak pada usaha tani cabai.
Paprika, meski mirip cabai, tergolong dalam jenis cabai tanpa rasa pedas. Temukan klasifikasi dan informasi menarik lainnya tentang paprika di sini!