As of September 2023, China has deployed approximately 4.09 million 5G base stations and recorded 981 million 5G mobile ...
Researchers in China are advancing the development of 621 mph vacuum-tube maglev trains, aiming to address the near-sonic ...
China has unveiled draft guidelines for the country's data infrastructure construction, including upgrading its 5G network to ...
China on Tuesday initiated a pilot program to advance the integrated application of 5G+ industrial Internet in 10 cities, ...
日前,中国工业和信息化部等十二部门印发《5G规模化应用“扬帆”行动升级方案》。方案提出,到2027年底,中国将全面实现5G规模化应用,全国地级以上城市实现5G-A规模覆盖。 2027年底,我国5G个人用户普及率将超85%,5G网络接入流量占比超75% ...
As part of its tech-driven growth strategy, China has committed to developing 5G+ industrial internet in recent years, aiming to accelerate the smart upgrades of its traditional industries.
Ltd. The company operates the namesake terminal in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province. "We only need 12 workers to remotely handle a workload that typically requires 39 workers at a ...
11月28日,第二十一届中国国际农产品交易会在广州盛大启幕。为期四天的大会在促进农产品贸易的同时,特别设置智慧农业展区,呈现人工智能、大数据等高新技术在农业农村领域的最新应用场景。中国移动以“AI+智慧农业赋能乡村振兴”主题精彩亮相,全景化展现AI赋 ...
上海马拉松今天以“申爱大不同 Run for love Run for big”为主题鸣枪开跑,作为中国唯一雅培世界马拉松大满贯候选赛事,本次赛事首次使用5G-A技术进行全程转播,引入跑者第一视角,带给观众更强的现场感。