近日,《国家科学评论》(National Science Review, NSR)杂志在线发表了南京大学陈增兵-尹华磊课题组联合矩阵时光数字科技有限公司在量子安全技术 ...
That is, there is mental discord related to a contradiction between one thought (in this case, knowing he did something wrong) and another (thinking that he is honest). Created with Sketch.
不过,德国政府18日出面否认这一说法。 路透社18日援引德国政府高官的话报道,因在法律和政治层面受到压力,德国经济部已暂停批准向以色列 ...
刚刚,张雨绮晒出自己的表情包,疑似否认,并配文表示,“早上一睁眼,嘿!你猜怎么了?睡醒了!开工~" “特别声明:以上作品内容(包括在内的视频 ...
课程介绍:历史学家德博拉·利普斯塔特(Deborah Lipstadt)说:“有事实,有观点,也有谎言。”他讲述了她对否认大屠杀者的研究-以及他们故意歪曲历史的非凡故事。利普斯塔特鼓励我们大家继续 ...
Klein writes: There is a contradiction at the heart of the Republican Party that does not exist at the heart of the ...
网传美团745万有收入骑手中,8万研究生占1%,30万本科生占4%,美团研究院对此作出否认,称目前任何这方面的骑手数据均为没 ...
美媒爆料以色列实施寻呼机爆炸袭击前已致电美防长,布林肯否认美国事先知情 美国Axios新闻网18日援引三名美国官员消息爆料称,在黎巴嫩寻呼机 ...
Working class — a term favored by some of the speakers at the Republican convention as well as a few Democrats — is now a synonym for middle class, which only heightens the contradiction.
她证实曾与台湾公司 Gold Apollo 合作,但否认生产了昨天在黎巴嫩和叙利亚爆炸的设备。 她对匈牙利网站的记者说:"不是我制造了这些寻呼机,""我 ...
We do a lot of comics posts here at Pleated-Jeans (because we love them), but (or should I say, “yes, but”) the “Yes, But” webcomics from Russian artist Anton Gudim is one of our favorites.