Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert ...
There has been another sighting and fresh tracks and droppings are found on Wednesday, keepers say.
The coypu is a rodent native to South America, but has since spread to North America and parts of Europe. It is also one of several invasive species in Ireland seen as a threat to the local habitat.
It is also referred to as a coypu, coypu rat, nutria rat, or swamp beaver. While nutria may look cuddly from a distance, they ...
Also known as a coypu, this large, semi-aquatic rodent is native to South America and stands out for its orange teeth and webbed hind feet. Throughout the year, they can have up to three litters ...
Ticking over is the new affluent. That’s the unanimous verdict  from Norfolk’s least trendy pub where sound thinking rivals sensible ...
We'll visit Causse Méjean limestone plateau with its characteristic vegetation where we'll likely encounter vultures, and the diverse wetland of the Camargue which is home to flamingos, coypu and wild ...