4月25日,在参与热门真人秀《乘风破浪的姐姐5》录制过程中,歌手万达妮遭遇意外,从高空摔下导致尾椎骨裂。目前事故具体原因尚未公布,但万达 ...
The study included a group of patients that underwent laparotomy procedures complicated by postoperative abdominal wound dehiscence, defined as "separation of the layers of the surgical wound ...
没想到意外来得这么突然,怪不得向太已经停更近一周的时间,原来这期间,她不幸受伤,虽说目前状态完好,但伤筋动骨一百天,接下来的三个月 ...
这已经是姚明职业生涯当中第四次遭受严重的伤病,而这次赛季报销是否会让姚明的职业生涯提前结束呢? ……[查看详细 ...
Background The medical literature includes two risk scores predicting the occurrence of abdominal wound dehiscence. These risk indices were validated by the authors on the populations studied.