Fossils for males and females often differ, particularly in a species like Lucy's that is sexually dimorphic: Males are much larger than their mates, and their fossils are marked by deeper muscle ...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and AstraZeneca have discovered that gene expression in adipose stem cells varies ...
If you’re curious about keeping spiders as pets but don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. Beginner spider pets can be ...
Sea Life Melbourne hosted a gender-reveal party for Pesto, a king penguin chick, revealing he's a boy. Pesto, at nine months ...
These differences in appearance between males and females, known as dimorphic traits, are expressed in features like colorful fur or elaborate body structures. Examples include the golden snub ...
Moreover, the canines were probably sexually dimorphic, with males having much larger canines than females, as seen among the living great apes and Miocene fossils. Like living apes it would have ...
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and AstraZeneca have discovered that gene expression in adipose stem cells varies ...
The head often shows a slight crested appearance. Polytypic. Length 7.8". Sexually dimorphic. Breeding male: the adult male is unmistakable—all bright red—and achieves its brightest plumage by ...
Monotypic. Length 8". Sexually dimorphic. Takes more than a year to acquire adult plumage. Adult male: unique in North America. Its black head, throat, back, wings, and tail contrast with gleaming ...
8月24日,2024年人脑论坛(The HUMAN BRAIN FORUM ...
红豆杉又称紫杉,国家一级珍稀保护树种,也是世界上公认的濒临灭绝的第四纪冰川遗留下来的古老树种。科学家利用红豆杉提取物制成了抗癌药物紫杉醇,是治疗多种癌症的有效药物之一。内生真菌是指在其生活史的一定阶段或全部阶段生活在植物的各种组织,对植物组织不会引起 ...