The Church Dogmatics is divided into five volumes: the "Doctrine of the Word of God" (CD I), the "Doctrine of God" (CD II), the "Doctrine of Creation" (CD III), the unfinished "Doctrine of ...
同年他获邀以来宾身份参加第二次梵蒂冈大公会议,但因病不能赴会。在巴特的后半生其主要是在撰写这一本大书:《教会教义学》(英文:Church Dogmatics/德文:Kirchliche Dogmatik),直至巴特逝世为止已撰写六百万余字,巴特在此书中意欲探究基督教教义之全貌 ...
Russell, Roberto and Tokatlian, Juan Gabriel 2003. From Antagonistic Autonomy to Relational Autonomy: A Theoretical Reflection from the Southern Cone. Latin American Politics and Society, Vol. 45, ...
The Department of Systematic Theology offers research-based instruction in four disciplines: dogmatics, ecumenics, theological and social ethics, and the philosophy of religion. Dogmatics examines the ...
There are two types of people from Massachusetts: those who got to experience the Rathskeller, and those who wish they did.
Barth's treatment of creation and providence in the Church Dogmatics is notable for its effort to make those doctrines distinctively Christian, meaning by that doctrines that reflect the centrality of ...
Mark envisions Comparative Theology as a means by which to study the questions of fundamental theology and dogmatics by bringing them into dialogue with world religion. His prior theological studies ...
Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A. Abstract: George Burman Foster was one of the most influential ...
Schemes drawn up by A D Kelly, H H Kelly, D Jenks and others, with the texts of some lectures delivered. Subjects covered include church history (c2 shelves), logic, liturgy, metaphysics, psychology, ...
Fr. Goran Jovicic is a Roman Catholic priest from Diocese of Subotica, and assistant professor of dogmatics at St. Patrick's Seminary & University. Convened to address problems within the German ...
Saint Louis University’s Department of Theological Studies offers a Ph.D. in Christianity in Antiquity or Constructive Theology designed to be completed in five years. Admitted students are guaranteed ...
That document explains the ideology of Christian nationalism as a simple expression of Christian dogmatics. “We affirm that ...