住院治疗12天后,张霞的眩晕得到缓解。在治疗期间,她无数次后悔没有及早重视自己的身体状况,“虽然看病时医生会叮嘱很多注意事项,但日常生活中这些毛病都不疼不痒,自己也没当回事。最主要的是每次去医院时在不同科室来回奔波,要花费半天甚至一天时间,对体力是个 ...
The more the brain is put to use, the lesser the risk of dementia, opined the experts.
Denmark: A cross-sectional analysis of Danish population-based data indicated that moderate and severe periodontitis was ...
Neuropathy and retinopathy are positively associated with moderate/severe periodontitis, according to a study published ...
Fatty liver disease happens when fat builds up in your liver. This can cause damage, inflammation, and other complications.
Certain diabetes complications were linked to moderate and severe periodontitis, a cross-sectional analysis using Danish ...
The beneficial brew has long been celebrated for its antioxidant properties, and more recently, influencers have touted it as ...
In people with epilepsy, factors significantly associated with AMI included age (75 years and older versus 18 to 44 years old ...
Gum disease is more common in individuals with microvascular complications of diabetes, new research being presented at the ...
EpiLipidNet COST Action organised its final exploitation meeting ‘Bridging Lipids and Society’ at the COST Association in ...
Pemvidutide's potential in obesity and MASH, combined with lean mass preservation, could make it a market leader in the ...