For patients undergoing treatment for certain types of cancer, artificial intelligence (AI) can use electrocardiographic (ECG ...
Eleven studies describing sinoatrial (SA) nodal, atrioventricular (AV) nodal or infra-Hisian conduction parameters in the setting of cocaine use were found. Fourteen studies and two case series ...
USA Electrocardiographic changes in athletes are common and usually reflect benign structural and electrical remodelling of the heart as a physiological adaptation to regular and sustained physical ...
Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, researchers at Yale School of Medicine say an artificial intelligence (AI) tool can use ...
In a 57-year-old man with chest pain, an ECG obtained by EMS showed widespread ST-segment depressions. At the hospital, left main coronary-artery stenosis was seen on angiography (shown in a video).
The diagnosis of atrial fibrillation frequently relies on a computer-generated interpretation of the electrocardiogram and subsequent verification by the cardiologist. A recent study by Bogun and ...
Although evidence from the Italian experience suggests that electrocardiographic screening of young athletes has led to a significant reduction in SCD from cardiomyopathies, considerable controversy ...
“Devices such as an electrocardiographic cardiac monitoring system or a patient-initiated recording device can be useful to correlate the heart’s electrical system with the symptom,” he adds. Some ...
A 58-year-old Black man with hypertension and diabetes mellitus presents with a growing, solitary nodule on his lower back that has been present for the past year.
This group represented 6% of all patients presenting with HCM at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, between April 1994 and October 2006, the remainder of whom had electrocardiographic abnormalities.
Morgom, M. , Anjum, S. , Awadelseed, S. , Alajard, H. and Bakhiet, Y. (2024) Beyond the Usual Suspects (Aortic Dissection in ...
As a whole, cocaine-associated electrocardiographic abnormalities are well described in the literature (primarily in the form of observational studies, small controlled studies and case reports).