在全球游戏行业快速发展的背景下,瑞士游戏公司FunPlus在葡萄牙首都里斯本宣布开设新工作室——Studio Ellipsis,进一步展示其向全球化迈进的决心。新工作室的领导者是曾效力于Ubisoft并担任《刺客信条》系列创意总监的Alexandre Amancio。此次动向不仅是FunPlus扩展自身知识产权(IP)的战略布局,也代表了当今游戏行业在叙事设计与玩家体验方面的重要转变。 Studi ...
"Ellipsis" is Pem's first new music since her cloud work EP, released earlier this year. On the new single, Pem she says: "It’s called ellipsis because of those three dots at the end of the sentence ...
An ellipsis can be used for different purposes and can be very useful in your writing. It can be used to show a word or words that have been removed from a sentence or quote. For example ...