UAB is a public institution and has a stewardship responsibility for the proper use of public funds. The Expenditure Guidelines are provided by UAB Financial Affairs as a resource to UAB faculty and ...
Revenue expenditure is an expense incurred during the ordinary course of business operations that does not result in acquiring a long-term asset or improving an existing asset. While capital ...
This economist's duties extend over both the revenue and expenditure sides of the fiscal accounts. Traditionally, economics training in public finances has focused more on tax than expenditure issues, ...
Before considering how the expenditure side of the government's budget is planned, prepared, and executed, it is necessary first to clarify the coverage and sources of data on public spending. This ...
Personal consumption expenditures (PCE), also known as consumer spending, is a measure of the spending on goods and services by people of the United States. According to the Bureau of Economic ...
National accounts expenditures are essential for the International Comparison Program (ICP). First, they are used as weights to aggregate purchasing power parities (PPPs) through the various levels of ...
Social protection expenditure refers to total program expenditure expressed as percentage of GDP. It includes spending on benefits and administrative costs; it also captures both recurrent and capital ...
The federal budget is an itemized plan for the public expenditures of the United States. The budget establishes a framework for the appropriation bills that Congress must approve and the ...
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Revenue and Expenditure Data Mismatch Bangladesh: Although the authorities took steps to eliminate mismatches in export data in recent months, discrepancies in the data of revenue collection and ...
In 2023, employment in tourism was higher than in 2022. The number of labour years in the tourism sector rose by nearly 5.6 percent to 449 thousand. As a result, the share of tourism in total ...
China’s broad budget expenditure contracted and income from land sales for local governments fell at a record pace, a sign of fiscal weakness that may further increase calls on Beijing to add ...