But I have harsh words about the sound in it. It features several young actors and half of them were British. Quite a ...
Quite a substantial part of the time these British thesps swallowed their words in a gabbled, garbled mumble and I could barely understand them. Meanwhile their American colleagues employed a ...
She’s displayed no animosity and has been at his side for months. Matt Smith’s gabbled line (I had to replay it five times) is: “Given what we’ve learnt, I’ll be as humane as I can ...
Woodie crept over to them. He soon came running back, panting as he gabbled: "They're all dead, sarge." In 90 minutes, in a battle beneath the ancient stone white church of Lingvres, the 9th ...
I don't need to be hit over the head with detail but important explanations shouldn't be gabbled or obfuscated with music and sound fx. The script has several toe-curlers: Jennifer's "Sorry ...
We gabbled excitedly and caught up on all the big things. Afterwards, I felt revived and buzzing. It had been great to laugh and hear her news, but I still had 15 minutes to make a cup of tea and ...
No one in the ensemble comes close to Terry, alas. The lines are too often gabbled. The casting underscores how the female characters are abused and belittled, without throwing much light on the ...
Even fans would admit that Shaw is given to wordiness, but here witty, well-crafted lines are shouted or gabbled at such pace that well intended points about class and the strictures of ...
In the second half, voices start to go, and lines are too often gabbled. Even Lear himself, who visibly crumbles as he delivers the line “My wits begin to turn”, resorts to mumbling ...