Common options to produce this "ovarian stimulation" are either tablets of clomiphene citrate or treatment using shots of hormones called gonadotropins to make more eggs. These shots generally ...
This effect apparently is not exerted by an action on gonadotropins. No similar inhibitory effect has been observed in normoprolactinemic women. [47] ...
A cohort study of 12 subjects with vaginal agenesis evaluated optimal methods of oocyte retrieval and characterized the response to ovulation induction with gonadotropins and pregnancy rates.
In this procedure, injectable fertility drugs (called gonadotropins) are used to stimulate the ovaries to recruit and mature multiple follicles that each contain an oocyte (egg). Most women will take ...
In theory, trying to have a baby is simple: you find a partner, have unprotected PIV sex for a few months, and get pregnant.
Gonadotrope cells of the anterior pituitary are essential in controlling reproductive competency of mammals through the release of gonadotropins, lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating ...
For example, variations in the KISS1 gene and the KISS1 receptor can cause the hypothalamus to release hormones called gonadotropins, which then signal the start of puberty to the body. Lifestyle ...
Training macaques to cooperate during blood collection is a practicable and safe alternative to the traditional procedure implying forced restraint. It takes a cumulative total of about 1 hr to train ...
These neurons, which are primarily located in the hypothalamus, regulate the reproductive system by controlling the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland (i.e., a pea-sized brain ...
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 150mg/mL; IM inj. Medroxyprogesterone acetate inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins which primarily prevents follicular maturation and ovulation and causes thickening ...
Specifically, I study the environmental and endocrine control of reproduction, functions and sources of gonadotropins and sex steroids, morphology & histology of the reproductive system and pheromone ...
In addition, the elevated prolactin and the lowered gonadotropins in this process act as natural birth control, preventing the return of the menstrual cycle and thus ovulation. (Author ...