Un oso polar avistado afuera de una cabaña de un poblado remoto de Islandia fue baleado por la policía, que lo consideró una ...
A rare polar bear that was spotted in a remote village in Iceland was shot by police after reportedly being considered a ...
In northwest Iceland, police shot a polar bear deemed a threat after an elderly woman reported its presence near her summer ...
Scientists from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration warn of a "grim outlook" for the Thwaites Glacier, also ...
Excerpted from his acclaimed film “The Corners of the Earth,” what we would give to be hucking airs and dodging icebergs ...
The bear was killed Thursday afternoon in the northwest of Iceland after police consulted the Environment Agency, which ...
Scientists from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration warn of a "grim outlook" for the Thwaites Glacier, also ...
A microorganism you can't see is consuming Titanic on the bottom of the Atlantic. How many years until the famous liner is gone?
Whether you want an active holiday or a relaxing break, here are the world's most beautiful lakes for an unforgettable ...
Tidal action pumping warmer sea water on the underside of the massive Thwaites Glacier will “inexorably” accelerate its ...
A remote island surrounded by glaciers as tall as skyscrapers with more whales than people is tipped to become the next ...
杰古沙龙冰川湖不仅以其迷人的自然景观闻名,还因其独特的冰川活动而受到关注。湖泊中的冰块会随着时间的推移漂移,形成不同的形状,为游客提供了难得的视觉体验。 English Translation: Title: "The Icy Wonderland: ...