说到猕猴桃和奇异果,很多人“傻傻”分不清。别看奇异果是进口水果,但其实中国才是猕猴桃不折不扣的故乡。新西兰国鸟——几维鸟,神似奇异果1904年的一天,新西兰人将我国的猕猴桃果种带回并培育成功,为了方便销售,有商家把“Kiwi ...
If you have a sweet tooth like us, then reducing your sugar intake can be incredibly difficult. Cutting out processed sugar ...
Workers sort kiwi fruits in Yuanquan Town, Boshan District, Zibo City in east China's Shandong Province, Sept. 12, 2024.
1904年,一粒中国猕猴桃的种子被一位前往中国的新西兰女老师带回了家乡。 新西兰人觉得这个形似本国的国鸟“几维鸟”的水果新奇有趣, 就给它取了一个具有商业包装色彩的外文名称“Kiwi Fruit”,中文名为“奇异果”。
Choosing high-fiber fruits can easily ramp up your daily fiber consumption. These nine fruits—passion fruit, raspberries, ...
猕猴桃是一种富含维生素C的优秀水果,其维C含量可达苹果的15倍、橙子的2倍以上。一个中等大小的猕猴桃(约100克)就能满足成人日常所需维生素C的一半以上。猕猴桃还富含膳食纤维,据《世界胃肠病学杂志》上刊登的一项研究发现,连续4周每天吃两个猕猴桃可以使 ...
Avocados are a breakfast staple for good reason. Whether on toast or in a smoothie, they provide a healthy dose of fiber and ...
Many love kiwi because it is light, juicy, sweet, tangy, and highly nutritious. So, if you or your kids are kiwi lovers, you ...
Don't throw away that kiwi peel! A doctor reveals the correct way to eat kiwi for maximum nutritional benefits.
This Kiwi Curry is a delightful fusion of flavours that will tantalize your taste buds. Give it a try and experience the ...
A vegan kiwi fruit tart features a crisp crust made from almond flour and coconut oil, filled with a creamy custard derived ...
Kiwi salads are wonderful for those hot and humid summer days. It is actually a "real salad," like the kiwi apple salad or ...