However, there is some promising research. “There is a gene called mTOR which regulates how our cells sense nutrients and – depending on that – decide whether to grow or not,” explains Dr Nick ...
This is what the researchers in this latest study set out to investigate. They wanted to know how THC could affect mTOR, a ...
Semaglutide injections effectively support weight loss by regulating appetite and glucose levels, offering benefits for ...
Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on ...
衰老干预技术领域取得的突破,为实现延缓衰老提供了解决方案。据中华医学会老年医学会发布的《延缓衰老药物干预研究中国老年医学专家共识 (2024)》显示,目前有前景的延缓衰老策略包括适度降低营养物感应网络活性、降低雷帕霉素蛋白复合物1 (mTORC1)的活性、去除衰老细胞、利用身体的内源代谢物重新焕发干细胞活力以及优化机体微生物组等。
“衰老干预是当前生命科学前沿研究的热点,进入21世纪,以麻省理工学院、哈佛医学院、梅奥诊所为首的科研学术机构先后取得了一系列重大突破,出现了mTOR通路抑制、细胞自噬和线粒体自噬激活、衰老细胞靶向清除(希诺裂)等前沿技术,这些技术在延长健康寿命、维持 ...
For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified, for experimental acceleration and deceleration (rejuvenation) of sperm epigenetic aging.
NKT2152, a novel HIF2a inhibitor, demonstrates significant efficacy in patients with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma ...
北京大学郑瑞茂研究员团队研究发现了调控脂肪组织褐变的新机制,该研究以βAR-mTOR-lipin1 pathway mediates PKA-RIIβ deficiency-induced adipose browning为题,于2024年8月26日,在线发表于一线国际期刊 ...