学名 Aphis medicaginis Koch.属同翅目,蚜科。异名A.craccivora (Koch)。别名苜蓿蚜、豆蚜、槐蚜。分布在全国各地。山东、河南、河北受害重。 寄主 花生、苜蓿、苕子、豌豆、豇豆等。 为害特点 成、若虫群集在花生嫩叶、嫩芽、花柄、果针上吸汁,致叶片变黄卷缩 ...
学名 Aphis craccivora Koch同翅目,蚜科。别名 首蓿蚜、花生蚜。异名 Aphis laburni Kaltenbach, A.medicaginis Koch。分布除西藏未见报道外,其余各省区均有。 害主 证豆、菜豆、豌豆、蚕豆、首蒋、苔子等豆科作物。 为害特点 成虫和若虫刺吸嫩叶、嫩茎、花及豆荚的汁液 ...
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Nutrient deficiencies are usually corrected by an application of the absent nutrient. Black stem is caused by the fungus Phoma medicaginis and is the most common disease found in Manitoba alfalfa ...
Try our new Search AI tool as an alternative to the search below to improve your experience on Alberta.ca using artificial intelligence. See the AISearch fact sheet for more information. 67% of ...
One of the major threats to the alfalfa seed industry is yield and quality loss due to disease. Detection and identification of disease problems are essential for managing the impact of diseases on ...