它从几个关键方面对TLS进行了分类和描述: - Peritumoral:指肿瘤周围的TLS,它们位于肿瘤边缘。 - Intratumoral:指肿瘤内部的TLS,它们直接在肿瘤组织中形成。 - Primary follicle:类似于初级淋巴滤泡的结构,可能包含滤泡树突细胞(FDCs)但缺乏生发中心(GC)反应。
9月6日,中山大学与澳门大学研究人员合作在期刊《Molecular Cancer》上发表了研究论文,题为“YTHDF2 in peritumoral hepatocytes mediates chemotherapy-induced antitumor immune responses through CX3CL1-mediated CD8+ T cell ...
According to the randomization group, 2 mL of 2.5% sterile patent blue dye or 2 mL of sterile methylene blue dye were injected into the peritumoral or periareolar region. Next, the site was massaged ...
F. In the peritumoral area, there was a marked astrogliosis with a large number of reactive astrocytes (gemistocytes; arrowheads) immunolabeled for GFAP, IHC for GFAP, 100x. Grossly, there was a ...