Zhang's team utilized the rapid phospho-shift of OsCTR2, a negative regulator of rice ethylene signaling, in response to ...
Scientists have found a way to create artificial sugars that could lead to better ways to diagnose and treat diseases more ...
Kinomic profiling is achieved using the PamStation®12 Platform Technology (PamGene, International, Den Bosch, The Netherlands) that is a high-content phospho-peptide substrate microarray system. In ...
阿尔茨海默病 (AD)是一种年龄相关疾病,老年人的发病风险显著升高,但是来自圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院的神经病学教授Anne Cross却发现了一些例外,她是 多发性硬化 ...
近日,广东省人民医院鲁冰、赵蔚团队在《Nature Cancer》上发表了题为“Phase separation of phospho-HDAC6 drives aberrant chromatin architecture in triple-negative breast cancer”的文章。该论文首次揭示了三阴性乳腺癌 ...
2024年8月,一年一度的阿尔茨海默病协会国际会议(AAIC)在美国费城落下帷幕。作为全球最大的阿尔茨海默病(AD)会议和认知障碍领域最顶尖的学术交流平台,本次大会吸引了93个国家约9000位顶尖科学家、临床医生及医学、心理、人工智能等相关领域专业人士参与,共同探讨和分享最新的研究成果和前沿进展。 为了向国内更多临床医生传递会议热点,深入了解AD领域最新进展,2024年POST-AAIC于9月3日 ...
Pathogenic activating point mutations in the LRRK2 kinase cause autosomal-dominant familial Parkinsońs disease (PD). In cultured cells, mutant LRRK2 causes a deficit in de novo cilia formation and ...
The inhibition of ERK5 is a potential complementary strategy for countering FAK inhibitor resistance in patients with lung ...
RePlex中的关键步骤是在第一轮探测后能有效去除抗体。因此,评估了针对Jurkat和MCF7裂解物的pan AKT/AKT1/AKT2/phospho AKT1/ phospho AKT2/phospho GSK3b抗体的去除效率。结果显示,所有测试的抗体均显示出 ...