台湾94岁的蔡老太太在右手无名指出现无症状斑块,一开始还以为是湿疹,擦过许多诊所开立湿疹药膏都未见改善,在长达一年时间未消情况下,辗转到台北荣总就医,经过切片检查结果显示为「鳞状细胞原位癌」。医师表示,因患者年事已高,加上病灶位于肢端不易手术,接受光动力治疗一次后病灶脱屑,泛红大幅改善,后续接受第二 ...
"Results from this investigation suggest that the half-light dose protocol using BF-200 ALA PDT is not only effective but ...
该研究通过简易的蛋白质改造策略,利用TadA同源物开发靶向范围更广的胞嘧啶碱基编辑器,并首次在DMD小鼠模型中实现了外显子55的跳跃。 碱基编辑(Base editing,BE)可以实现单个碱基的精准编辑,被认为是更安全的基因编辑方式,在基础研究、药物开发、基因 ...
Being told you have cancer is like a dark cloud over your life. It’s tough, no matter the type of cancer. Every day feels ...
University of Texas at Arlington cancer researcher Sherri McFarland has been elected president of the American Society for Photobiology (ASP), a national scientific organization dedicated promoting ...
Rachel Allbaugh, DVM, MS, DACVO, summarizes some of the recent advancements avialble for treating and managing this disease ...
智通财经APP讯,亚虹医药(688176.SH)公告,近日,公司产品APL-1702用于治疗宫颈高级别鳞状上皮内病变(High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion, HSIL)的前瞻、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的国际多中心Ⅲ期临床试验(“本研究”)结果入选2024年国际光动力与光诊断大会(PDT&PD, Photodynamic Therapy & Photod ...
德新科技 ( 603032 )9月17日晚间公告,公司拟以自有资金1.52亿元收购王洪波等十五人合计持有的安徽汉普斯精密传动有限公司 (简称“安徽汉普斯”)51%股权。本次交易完成后,公司将持有安徽汉普斯51%股权,成为安徽汉普斯的控股股东。
Sherri McFarland, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UTA, is the new president of the American Society for ...
Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals says the FDA has endorsed key elements of its proposed phase III knee osteoarthritis trial.