Phenotypic plasticity enables plants to adjust their physical traits in response to environmental variations, playing a vital ...
In the world of biology, scientists are quickly exploring the ins and outs of a mysterious idea known as the “third state,” a ...
Understanding the relationship between plasticity of muddy soil and earth pressure can be crucial to maintaining tunnel stability and predicting ground behavior during earth pressure balance (EPB) ...
Neuralink's Blindsight isn’t just restoring vision; it’s redefining what it means to see, pushing human perception beyond ...
Treatment-resistant cells are a challenge related to prostate cancer and many other cancers, which arises as the disease ...
Infrastructures often suffer severe damage due to geotechnical hazards of both natural kinds such as floods or earthquakes ...
深度学习一直被视为现代人工智能的重要支柱,其背后的理论和方法,包括反向传播算法,为机器学习发展奠定了基础。然而,最近发表于《Nature》杂志的一篇题为《Loos of plasticity in deep continual ...
Researchers have identified a mechanism that impairs synaptic plasticity in individuals with schizophrenia, revealing the ...
研究发现,组织结构损伤会破坏这种干细胞的局部微环境,导致稳态失衡。在这个过程中,干细胞会发生一种名为谱系可塑性(lineage plasticity)的改变,并向组织损伤部位迁移,增殖分化为其他谱系细胞【2】。谱系可塑性是一种典型的损伤诱导应激反应 ...
由于上皮间质转化过程通常和谱系可塑性变化(lineage plasticity)相关。前列腺癌细胞的谱系可塑性现在被认为是激素疗法抗药性的一个重要机理。作者们继续分析了来自这些间质细胞的CCC和不同癌细胞谱系的关系。 研究发现,不同间质细胞可能会选择性诱导几种 ...