Harley was restrained and dragged into a seclusion room at a mental health hospital Evidence of abusive and inappropriate treatment of vulnerable patients at a secure mental health hospital has ...
An investigation into the care of a person who was deemed unfit to stand trial and remanded in care has highlighted the lack of suitable facilities and trained staff for those with co-existing ...
The $20.5 million Los Angeles estate has a “sense of privacy and seclusion” and is “not trendy,” the source says. The actor, ...
Last year, it was used more than 4,000 times. Seclusion - where people are locked in a room on their own - also remains high. In 2019, there were 3,225 reported cases of seclusion, and 850 of ...
秋老虎只是暂时“归隐”,30日将重新“出山”,大家还需防暑降温。 市气象台根据最新气象资料分析,短期内受大陆高压控制,我市以晴好天气为主,周后期受副高及中低层暖湿气流影响 ...
老人真欲往仇池。”元祐八年(1093),苏东坡在官舍后园发现雪浪石,触发了他的思乡归隐之念:“老翁儿戏作飞雨,把酒坐看珠跳盆。” 也因此,苏东坡流放岭南八载,始终对壶中九华 ...
The first move towards a law covering the restraint and seclusion of school children will be taken at the Scottish Parliament later. Labour MSP Daniel Johnson said his Members' Bill to bring Calum ...
《藏海花》剧集开播海报 据悉,剧中除了吴邪和王胖子前往墨桑追寻“小哥”身世的探险之旅,更有“终极”揭秘、青铜门十年之约、铁三角归隐雨 ...