To make Tamiflu, you start with shikimic acid, which is naturally abundant in the oriental spice Illicium anisatum, or star anise. A complex multi-step chemical synthesis procedure then converts ...
Star anise, known for its culinary and medicinal benefits, has gained popularity as an infused morning drink. Star anise ...
Shikimic acid from star anise offers stereochemistry, cyclohexane conformation, and the chemistry of carboxylic acid groups. Want to discuss keto–enol tautomerism, fall back on the curcumin in ...
【化学成份】果实含有机酸类,其中有大量枸橼酸,并有少量延胡索酸(fumaric acid),琥珀酸(succinic acid),丙二酸(propane diacid),奎宁酸(quinic acid),莽草酸(shikimic acid)[1];还含 B族维生素[2]及无花果蛋白酶(ficin)[3],黄曲霉毒素(afla-toxin)B1、B2、G1 ...
I became a natural-deodorant user in 2017, when I accidentally bought Arm & Hammer deodorant at the local drugstore thinking it had aluminum in it. As a heavy sweater, I was unimpressed with the ...
Finding a good deodorant is much like finding a good pen: Sometimes you just happen upon it, and other times it requires an extensive hunt and many, many attempts, which is to say that deodorant ...
shikimic acid, mevalonic acid, 1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate, and others. They are usually the result of an adaptation to the environment, such as defense against predators, insects, disease ...
Star anise, known for its culinary and medicinal benefits, has gained popularity as an infused morning drink. Star anise water, prepared with lemon slices and mint leaves, aids in weight loss ...