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GLENN LOWRY: Oldenburg created the large-scale soft sculptures Floor Burger, Floor Cone, and Floor Cake, for the 1962 installation of The Store at the Green Gallery in midtown Manhattan. CLAES ...
which were a reaction against the stiff social proprieties of German society in the Wilhelmine period before World War I. After the war broke out in 1914, their landscapes took on a calmer, more sober ...
EVA RESPINI: When Sherman first exhibited these photographs, they were well-received among the critics and the art establishment. However, there were a number of debates on the issue of the ...
Curator, Leah Dickerman: This silkscreen includes an image of John F. Kennedy, whom Rauschenberg greatly admired. After the assassination, Rauschenberg was uncertain whether he should use the image.
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Leah Dickerman: These "White Paintings" may not be prepossessing, but they're among the most radical statements about painting made in the middle of the 20th century. They are blank canvases stretched ...
GLENN LOWRY: One of the influences on Abramović’s work is Tibetan Buddhism. In Nude with Skeleton, Abramović evokes a traditional exercise undertaken by Tibetan monks during which they sleep alongside ...
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Director, Glenn Lowry: For twelve years, beginning in 1976, Marina Abramović and her partner, artist Uwe Laysiepen, known as Ulay, lived together and collaborated on numerous works. Artist, Marina ...
Immerse yourself in ideas and see your world in new ways through art. In MoMA’s free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera, you will hear directly from artists and designers, look closely at ...