Outdoor advertising collectively refers to all media options that are displayed outdoors like billboards, posters, bus-shelter ads, transit ads, neon sign boards and so on and it is the most popular ...
The minimum ad size accepted is 20 Square cm for all pages except front page(Page 1), which should be a minimum of 240 Square cm. view more ...
Different sizes-Quarter page (400 sq cm), Half Page (825 sq cm) and Full Page (1716 sq cm) are possible. Edit flap(400 scm) is placed in case front page quarter page isn't possible. # Soft copies will ...
Video Ads are displayed as both pre-roll video ads and mid-roll video ads on both the app and website. Pre-roll Video Ads are promotional videos that appear before the selected content is played.
Currently, the status is unavailable as the rates have not been released yet, as soon as the rates are released it will be updated on the site. Register yourself to get the automated notification for ...
Cinema Advertising is one of the most interesting new age advertising options. Cinema advertising rates are one of the lowest among non mass media. The cinema advertisement is a popular and effective ...
The minimum ad size accepted is 20 Square cm for all pages except front page(Page 1), which should be a minimum of 240 Square cm. view more ...
Custom Sized Ads are display advertisements that are showcased in newspapers as per the advertiser's requirement. These ads are customizable based on the advertiser's budget and are displayed on the ...
Video Ads are displayed as Infeed Video on the Moj App which will be displayed whenever scrolling the page. For more details on placing your advertisement on this platform, kindly contact us at ...
Dailyhunt Banner Ads are display ads that are showcased on its platform. Some different banners will include Standard Banner Ads, Interstitial Banner Ads, Carousal Banners and Native Banners which ...
Delhi Metro Train Interior Branding is done on two types of trains, Rotem and Bombardier. Rotem is further divided into Rotem 2 and Rotem 3. . For more information on Delhi Metro Interior Branding, ...
Chennai Metro Train Interior Branding is displayed on the interior panels of the metro train. Approx. 52 trains having 4 coaches are available to place your advertisement on Chennai Metro Trains.