The Superheterodyne design, devised in 1918, was superior, but more expensive at that time. Cost considerations led adoption of the Superhet design to lag behind TRF until almost 1930. Since then ...
We’d say there are several common architectures for receivers and one of the most common is the superheterodyne. But what does that mean exactly? [Technology Connection] has a casual explanation ...
IEEE Medal of Honor, with its new $2M purse will be presented to recipients at the 2025 IEEE Honors Ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, ...
The nonlinear device executing the heterodyne process is called a frequency mixer or frequency converter. In a superheterodyne transceiver, the frequency translation processes may be performed more ...
The carrier frequencies for AM operate from 530 kHz to 1610 kHz. Many superheterodyne AM radios use a demodulation circuit designed for 455 kHz. When the listener tunes in a station, an oscillator ...
Mike Valentine, who was our kind of guy in that he loved cars and loved driving fast, died suddenly this week.
A micro-wave radiometer, built especially for the purpose, consists mainly of a double superheterodyne receiver with pass band of 17 kc., the band being shifted back and forth through 75 kc.
The first half of the book deals with the radio receiver, starting with the crystal detector and leading up through valve detectors and amplifiers to the superheterodyne type of receiver.
Another American inventor, Edwin Armstrong, developed the superheterodyne circuit in 1918, and in 1933 discovered how FM broadcasts could be produced. FM provided a clearer broadcast signal than ...
Along with the direct conversion receiver, the homodyne receiver was one of the earlier methods of building radios, both of which were superseded by the superheterodyne approach. See ...
Edwin Howard Armstrong (1890-1954), the inventor of the "Regeneration" and "Superheterodyne" circuits as well as "Frequency Modulation," or FM. A flamboyant man with a fondness for fast cars and a ...