加拿大最大的机构投资者之一安大略省教师退休金计划 (Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan)拟出售其在巴西购物中心营运商Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA的全部股份。
Teachers' Day is a day to recognize and thank teachers for their hard work throughout the year. In China, this holiday falls ...
邵武市实验幼儿园开展主题为“大力弘扬教育家精神 加快建设教育强国”的教师节庆祝活动。活动中教师们分发《致全市教师及教育工作者的一封信》,行政班子为教师们送上节日的鲜花。
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
A group of 79 students and teachers from the U.S. state of Washington are visiting southwest China's Guizhou Province to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.
BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent greetings to teachers and others working in the education sector across the country as Tuesday marks the 40th Teachers' Day in China.
在我国电视剧创作和播出史上,以教师行业为题材的作品不绝如缕,但适逢教师节而得以排播的,《春风化雨》大概是第一部。与其说这是邂逅,不如说是如约。与电视剧《大考》《追光的日子》《鸣龙少年》相同,电视剧《春风化雨》也把剧情的空间放在了大都市之外。所不同的是 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent greetings to teachers and other people working in the education sector across the country at a national meeting on education held in ...
“There’s a Chinese saying that goes, ‘’, and it speaks volumes about the lasting impact teachers have on their students. As a ...
Zhai said he has been focused on educating his students on the meaning of life, the importance of sports, and the pursuit of ...