No tomography studies have been performed using teleseismic long-period surface waves from ambient noise in a regional scale, probably due to the two reasons that (1) energy of long-period ambient ...
A study published in the journal Earthquake Research Advances sheds light on the relationship between the 2024 magnitude 7.6 ...
Abstract: The effect of an a priori known 3-D crustal model in teleseismic tomography of upper-mantle structure is investigated. We developed a 3-D crustal P-wave velocity model for the greater Alpine ...
Papers with interesting supplementary info (which can be a pain to track down, so I've provided bundled links), movies, and selected recent papers. More publications on my CIRES page. Tectonic ...
Seismology and Nuclear Explosions; Computer Applications; Environmental Science Seminar; Earth Dynamics; Seismic Exploration Methods; Continuum Mechanics; Geodynamics; Modeling Seismic Waveforms; ...
This program generates sets of ray-theoretical seismograms for incident plane waves (teleseismic approximation) for seismic velocity models consisting of a stack of layers with planar but non-parallel ...
This is the source code without users' manual about how to use it. If you need a detail description, feel free to send an email to Chao Zhang ([email protected]) with a brief introduction ...
Jeong, S.-J., B. Stump, H.R. DeShon and L. Quinones, Stress Drop Estimates for Induced Seismic Events in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, submitted to the Bulletin of the ...
• Houser, C., J. Nunez, and K. C. Miller, 2018, Pathways to the Geosciences through 2YR community colleges: A strategic recruitment approach being used at Texas A&M ...
My research interest is in using geophysics to solve problems in solid Earth and exploration geosciences. In the past thirty years, I have participated in projects involving mantle tomography, ...
I use distant (teleseismic) observations of earthquakes to research the composition and dynamics of the Earth. My current research is in differential attenuation of shear-wave phases, to probe for ...
A newly published study sheds light on the intricate relationship between the 2024 M 7.6 Noto Hanto earthquake and a ...