A J-15 carrier-borne fighter jet takes off from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Liaoning during a maritime training ...
8月18日起,辽宁省葫芦岛市发生连续性强降雨,建昌县受灾严重,曾一度造成28个乡镇失联。据辽宁日报消息,此次葫芦岛地区暴雨过程综合强度为 ...
2024年下半年辽宁省高等教育自学考试的报名工作即将展开。考生们可以通过辽宁省高等教育自学考试网上服务平台进行报名 ...
The United States has one of its six West Coast-based aircraft carriers operating in the Western Pacific Ocean again ...
Liaoning Carrier Strike Group (CSG) deployed to the Philippine Sea Wednesday, in the carrier’s first western Pacific ...
二、考试时间 考试时间:2024年10月13日9点30分。 三、准考证领取时间及步骤 考生成功完成报名后,《2024年辽宁何氏医学院学位外语考试准考证》将以电子版形式发给各位考生, 请考生自行打印并且粘贴二寸蓝底照片,并仔细查阅准考证上的考试时间、考试地点 ...
助力辽宁省培育壮大新质生产力,促进传统产业转型升级,为辽宁经济高质量发展作出基金贡献。 辽宁产业投资基金与招商局集团、中国诚通、中国 ...
北京时间9月1日消息,CBA辽宁队官方宣布,球队将郭艾伦顶薪独家签约权正式转让给广州龙狮俱乐部。 在确定被交易后,郭艾伦开启了个人直播 ...
The warship and two destroyer escorts passed close to Japanese territory and Taiwan en route to the Pacific Tokyo has protested to Beijing after a PLA aircraft carrier took a new route to the Pacific ...
On August 9, 2024, in Liaoning Province, China, a video shared by @MeisiHuizi captured by security cameras showed a mother pig accidentally sleeping on one of her piglets. The video reveals how the ...
This is the moment a piglet was rescued in Liaoning, China on August 9 after its mother accidentally fell asleep on top of it ...
中秋假期,旅游市场再次迎来一波出游小高峰。据文化和旅游部数据中心测算,全国国内出游1.07亿人次,按可比口径较2019年同期增长6.3%;国内游客出游总花费510.47亿元,较2019年同期增长8.0%。中秋旅游市场亮点一览· ...