虽然硬币收藏家们早就知道这两枚罕见硬币的存在,但自20世纪70年代末以来,它们的下落一直是个谜。旧金山的铸币厂在1975年制造了超过280万套特殊的非流通“精制”套币(“proof” ...
Challenges Franklin Roosevelt was elected president in the aftermath of the worldwide financial crisis triggered in part by the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The Great Depression soon achieved a depth ...
Louis McHenry Howe made a career out of being "the man behind Roosevelt." His closeness to Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt made him somewhat of a curiosity. Certainly, his appearance was not that ...
(俄亥俄12日讯)硬币收藏是种由来已久的嗜好活动,虽然看似只是独特的兴趣,不过现实上,收藏人士可能会从中赚取一大笔可观的获利。最近美国俄亥俄州一对三姐妹,继承了保留在银行金库40多年的“一枚10美分硬币”,让她们惊讶的是,这枚极为罕见的硬币价值可能超过50万美元(约216万令吉),可说是获得了意外之 ...
A rare dime depicting President Franklin D. Roosevelt is set to go up for auction. Three Ohio sisters discovered the coin, which was hidden for decades, and may be surprised by its value.
Yet that Saturday had a momentousness about it. It was the day of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's inauguration as president of the United Stateds. Americans gathered around their radios to hear the ...
Read more: How To Plan And Create Balanced Meals, All Week Long Though it's one of the most iconic comfort foods today, the grilled cheese sandwich that we know — and that Franklin D. Roosevelt ...
A stone tablet to United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was unveiled at Westminster Abbey on 12th November 1948. It is situated on the west wall of the nave, near the grave of the Unknown ...
Complete Guide to the Home of Franklin D Roosevelt National Historic Site in Hyde Park, New York including tours, things to ...
close New DealThe name of the policies put in place from 1933 to 1945 under the Democratic Party President Franklin Roosevelt. His plan intended to solve the problems caused by the Great Depression.
There was a view that Hoover did too little, too late. In contrast to President Hoover, Roosevelt was charismatic and an effective public speaker. He toured the country meeting voters and ...