In making the series, commitment to the authenticity and heritage of Peter Rabbit has been a key part of the animation’s development process. Paula Rosenthal, EVP, Production, Silvergate Media ...
Set in the Lake District, the new CBeebies animated series Peter Rabbit follows brave, mischievous Peter and his two friends, Benjamin and Lily, as they embark on a new adventure. Featuring new ...
In 2014, Christine’s beloved Peter Rabbit was entrusted to the 9/11 Memorial Museum by her grandparents, Eunice and Lee ...
In this charming fantasy, the stubborn and naughty Peter Rabbit causes chaos in the home and garden of an irritable human named Mr. McGregor. However, their rivalry grows even more heated when ...
Peter Rabbit is the eponymous hero of our series. With a taste for radishes and a thirst for adventure (the two often go hand in hand), he’s that extraordinary friend you longed to hang out with ...
Peter Rabbit BRAVE – MISCHIEVOUS – IMPULSIVE – TENACIOUS – QUICK-WITTED Peter Rabbit is the eponymous hero of our series. With a taste for radishes and a thirst for adventure (the two ...
Watch all your favourite ABC programs on ABC iview. More from ABC We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we ...