划船(Boating)和浮潜(Snorkeling)是观赏海洋生物的绝佳方式。游客可以近距离观察海洋生物(Marine Life) ,如 珊瑚礁(Coral Reefs)和海洋哺乳动物(Marine Mammals) 。
This year at the Paris Olympics, the gold medals consist of 523 grams of silver ... on top of their usual composition.巴黎奥运会金牌由523克银和6克金组成。银牌重525克,由 ...
Symbiotic binary stars are a type of binary star system that consists of a compact star (such as a white dwarf) and a red giant star. In these systems, a compact star accretes materials from a red ...
A panda's daily diet consists almost entirely of the leaves, stems and shoots of various bamboo species. Bamboo contains very little nutritional value so pandas must eat 12-38kg every day to meet ...
Emmanuel Macron's refusal on Monday, August 26, to appoint the left-wing Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) alliance's candidate as prime minister has prompted the radical left member of the coalition ...
中国新闻社简称中新社,是由中国新闻界和海内外知名人士于1952年9月14日在北京发起成立的,是中国内地仅有的两家通讯社之一。经过50多年的建设 ...
1985年的夏天,一部由美国人拍摄的剧情片《三岛由纪夫传》(Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters),在第38届戛纳电影节上掀起热烈讨论,还获得了当届的 ...
the Sand Land story is actually pretty short and consists of 14 chapters, making for a nice afternoon read. Best Gaming & Tech Deals This Week ...
Microfluidic devices consist of microscale channels, chambers and valves that allow the precise control of fluid flow, mixing, and analysis. These devices are designed and manufactured using various ...