英语中总有些表达让人摸不着头脑,比如“duck soup”这个词组。乍一看,你会以为是“鸭子汤”,但实际上,它的意思大相径庭。今天,我们就来揭秘这个有趣的熟词偏义现象,看看“duck soup”到底是什么意思,并一起探讨更多类似的表达。
(湛江8日讯)台风摩羯登陆海南后一路朝北,对广东及广西部分地区造成灾情。其中,住在广东湛江的李姓女子在12级风狂吹下,发现家里养的小鸭子们直挺挺地站在风中,也没被强风吹走,令她十分惊讶,曝光后引起网民热议。中媒报导,广东湛江一名李姓女子发布影片透露, ...
近日,一段题为"台风来临duck不避"的视频在网络上引发热议,画面中,面对狂风骤雨的猛烈侵袭,唯有鸭子屹立不倒,展现出坚韧的生命力。这一场景虽引人深思,却也引发了我们从法律视角对动物权益保护的关注与探讨。 一、现象解析:鸭子与台风,生命的顽强与无奈 在视频中,鸭子们在极端天气下依然坚守原地,其坚毅形象触动了无数网友的心弦。然而,这种“屹立不倒”的背后,是否隐藏着动物在自然灾害面前的无助与困境?面对 ...
(湛江8日讯)台风摩羯登陆海南后一路朝北,对广东及广西部分地区造成灾情。其中,住在广东湛江的李姓女子在12级风狂吹下,发现家里养的小鸭子们直挺挺地站在风中,也没被强风吹走,令她十分惊讶,曝光后引起网民热议。中媒报导,广东湛江一名李姓女子发布影片透露,上周五(6日)晚上10时左右,台风摩羯的风 ...
Duck hunters hate buying waders. I can’t blame them. Because at some point, even the best duck hunting waders will fail you. It’s impossible for them not to. Duck hunters bend, crouch, take a knee, ...
Biologists are reporting similar observations. Photo vi Adobe Stock Last year waterfowlers across the country commiserated about one of their worst duck seasons ever. The ducks, they said, just never ...
Fall camp is over for the Oregon football team. The Ducks have officially reached game week with the season opener against Idaho set for 4:30 p.m. Saturday at Autzen Stadium. Even though the No. 3 ...
The Ducks’ five-day rookie camp came to a close on Monday night with a 2-1 overtime defeat against the Los Angeles Kings. Anaheim showed all their colors over the three games that they played in ...
Donald Duck was probably dreaming of a nice, refreshing pond to paddle in after appearing on the First We Feast show “Hot Ones.” The animated character, along with Mickey Mouse, appear in a ...
The Oregon Ducks start the 2024 season Aug. 31 at home against Idaho. The Oregonian/OregonLive will count down the days with mini-profiles of prominent former and current Ducks whose jersey ...
The 2024 Oregon football season is underway. The Register-Guard has assembled a guide to the Ducks' first season in the Big Ten with coverage including game-week stories, player and coach ...
The Oregon Ducks start the 2024 season at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at home against Idaho. The Oregonian/OregonLive counted down the days with mini-profiles of prominent former and current Ducks whose ...