Battles depicted in art are familiar scenes throughout the history of Ancient Greece, beginning with the Mycenaean culture of the early Bronze Age. Throughout the rise of the polis, war scenes lauded ...
The cast is of a metope (no. 7) from the south side of the Parthenon; it is now in the British Museum. The cast was given to the Academy by Richard Westmacott with two other casts of metopes (South 27 ...
The Parthenon was built as a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was the centrepiece of an ambitious building programme on the Acropolis of Athens. The temple's great size and lavish use of ...
The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list. The Metope Property Prescient Fund aims to provide investors with a combination of high income and long term capital appreciation.
The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list. The Metope Property Income Prescient Fund is a listed property fund with a focus on delivering a high income yield.