From 24 September 2024, it became illegal to possess or sell zombie-style knives and machetes in England and Wales, as part ...
Our charity has seen a rise in the number of reports we have received. If you are concerned that vulnerable people you know ...
“The partnership underscores the ongoing commitment of both Merton and Crimestoppers to ensure that Merton remains a safe and ...
Over 2,000 people trust Crimestoppers with their information every day. You can contact us 100% anonymously via our website or by calling our UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111 which is open 24/7, 365 ...
Romance fraud happens when you think you’ve met the perfect partner online, but they are using a fake profile to form a relationship with you. The fraudster gains your trust over a number of weeks or ...
We all have the power to protect our coastal communities from crimes that put them at risk. Knowing the signs to spot these crimes and criminals and speaking up with information that could help stop ...
This Pride Month we celebrate LGBTQ+ people around the world, their rich diversity, and contributions to society. It is also a time to raise awareness of the challenges unfortunately still faced by ...
Below is an article in the latest edition of our Connections magazine by Matt Hibbert, Director of Anti-Piracy at Sky, about the BeStreamWise campaign on the dangers of illegal streaming. It’s often ...
Isle of Man Crimestoppers is a charity registered in the Isle of Man (Charity Number 730) whose mission is to reduce crime and keep communities safe. It is associated with Crimestoppers Trust, an ...
Today (Thursday March 14th) sees the launch of the Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service. This is a national service – powered by Crimestoppers – to support the public to speak up about ...
Revenue has continued its upward trend with a rise to £7.1m, whilst costs have been well controlled, despite the effect of high inflation. The surplus of £480k has been used to further strengthen free ...
A number of recent media stories have identified how organisations like the NHS are failing to value and protect whistleblowers. The Times (paywall) reports that more than 100 allegations of medical ...