What causes a dog's back legs to suddenly give out? Following are some possible causes for a dog's back legs suddenly giving out by veterinarian Dr. Joanne Fernandez-Lopez. What causes a dog's back ...
Aspiration pneumonia in dogs is a serious condition that requires veterinary attention and several days of intensive care. How do dogs get this condition in the first place? Following is some ...
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs in dog training is something that can help ameliorate your relationship with your dog. All dogs have basic needs that need met. Meeting these needs is important if you want ...
To stop a newborn puppy from crying, you ultimately need to listen to him. Carefully evaluate what the problem may be with this troubleshooting guide. Is your newborn puppy crying itself to sleep? Are ...
If your dog's leg is making clicking noises, you are likely wondering what's the source of that sound. Discover what is likely happening and what veterinarians have to say about it. It's not unusual ...
If you're looking for the causes of high white blood cell count in dogs, most likely your dog's blood work has numbers that were off the charts. Discover several potential reasons for high levels of ...
The reasons dogs dig may vary between one dog and another. To better understand what is truly going on, we may need to first get into our dogs' heads. Until the day dogs can talk, we can only make ...
If your dog's fur changed color, you may be wondering what's going on. While several animals undergo fur color changes color for the purpose of disguising predators, dogs don't change coat color for ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
Laser pointers for dogs may at a first glance look like a great invention, but in reality they can have deleterious effects on dogs. As fun as the game may seem though there are certain risks ...
Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
If the skin on your dog's stomach turned dark, you are likely wondering what's going on with your canine companion. A sudden color change on your dog's stomach is something worthy of investigating, ...