Roman Krznaric is a public philosopher and bestselling author whose works, including Empathy and The Good Ancestor. He ...
Kate Raworth is a British economist known for her Doughnut Economics model, which rethinks economic growth within ecological limits. A senior associate at Oxford University's Environmental Change ...
Boroditsky is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Cultural Psychology. She has received a NSF CAREER award, was named a Searle Scholar, and ...
The war against computer freedom will just keep escalating, Doctorow contends. The copyright wars, net neutrality, and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) were early samples of what is to come. Victories in ...
One day when I was having lunch with Richard Feynman, I mentioned to him that I was planning to start a company to build a parallel computer with a million processors. His reaction was unequivocal, ...
Benjamin Grant is the author of Overview: A New Perspective of Earth and the curator of the Instagram project Daily Overview, from which the book takes its images. Civilization is both astonishing and ...
The author of Delivering Happiness, Tony Hsieh is CEO of Zappos and previously co-founded LinkExchange. He initiated the Downtown Project to revitalize downtown Las Vegas and his company. Can a ...
Frank Ostaseski is a Buddhist teacher, lecturer, and author focusing on contemplative end-of-life care. His book is The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully. It’s a ...
University of Hawai'i Professor Terry Hunt is the co-author of The Statues that Walked: Unraveling the mystery of Easter Island, and is conducting archaeological research on Rapa Nui. Was it ecocide?
In 01999 The Long Now Foundation purchased desert mountain land adjoining the Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada as a potential Clock site. The property includes 180.3 acres on Mount ...
Neuroscientist David Eagleman is director for the Laboratory of Perception and Action at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and author of Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives. David Eagleman may be ...
Phil Tetlock is Professor of Organizational Behavior and Mitchell Chair in Leadership at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. His most recent books are Expert Political Judgement (How Good Is It?