Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu strongly condemns the attacks launched by Iran on Israel and voices his full solidarity with Israel, affirming the right of this state to defend itself "against any ...
South Korea's ambassador to Romania Kim Yong Ho was on a visit to Iasi to identify new opportunities for cooperation; he used the occasion to also visit the Iasi Clinical Rehabilitation Hospital for a ...
Mercedes-Benz intends to invest in Romania. The German car company wants to open a factory in Sebe? and create 526 jobs. The investment would amount to 130 million euros, according to the Unirea ...
About 20,600 people died following a road accident last year, in EU, a 3% increase compared to 2021, but a 10% drop against the period before the pandemic, in 2019, according to preliminary data ...
On Monday, President Klaus Iohannis signed a decree accrediting Danut-Sebastian Neculaescu ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Permanent Delegation of Romania to NATO and head of the ...
Eugen Nicolicea will not be a vice-chairman of the Deputies’ chamber on part of the Social Democratic Party (PSD – at rule) any more, stated sources in the party.The position was taken by a USR (Save ...
Romania's non-life insurance market increased by 10.92 percent last year to 7.717 billion lei, according to the data presented in a press conference by Director General of Asirom VIG Juraj ...
Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Friday said Romania, together with Western strategic partners, is determined to support Ukraine as long as necessary.The Romanian Prime Minister attended the event ...
Rents doubled, price of edible oil jumped by almost 50 percent, vegetables and fruits by almost a third and these are just a few price rises last year, over the period December 2006 - December 2007, ...
The volume of exchanges at the Bucharest Stock Exchange amounted on Thursday to 24.7 million euro as a consequence of the depreciation of all indicators with more than 3.7%.The general market ...
The first 300 companies in Romania had last year a turn over of 440 billion lei (100 billion euro) up by 4% against 2014. The result represents a third of the total turnover of the local companies ...
Romania and Hungary want to intensify sanitary and veterinary checkups on animal and foodstuffs bilateral trade, with a view to reducing smuggling, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Tuesday, ...